
One of the most valuable benefits of OVGS membership is the wide-ranging educational programme.  Even if there is no specific programme or correspondence course on a particular needlework technique or style, individual members are always willing to share their expertise and there are a host of technique “gurus” to call upon. The range and quality of their knowledge is literally encyclopaedic. There are also comprehensive guild and EAC libraries to call upon.

The Workshop Chair and Programme Chairperson consult with the membership regularly to obtain ideas for future classes and workshops.
OVGS provides a comprehensive selection of educational opportunities:  

  • A Programme of tutorial classes takes place at monthly meetings during the calendar year, September through June. The Schedule provides for three learning streams.  Members can participate in the in the tutorial programmes or join others and stitch their own pieces.
  • OVGS hosts two workshops every year, in fall and spring, featuring leading practitioners and world class teachers.

In addition, the EAC offers correspondence courses in a wide variety embroidery styles.
Members can take cyber courses, project courses and technique study courses.

  • All Cyber Courses are hosted on the platform.  No prerequisites are required for cyber courses.  No certificate will be provided upon completion of the course.
  • No prerequisites are required for Project Courses. The student will receive a certificate from the counsellor when the course is completed satisfactorily and within the proposed completion time.
  • Technique Study Courses - There are prerequisites listed in the course descriptions for intermediate and advanced level courses. Basic level courses have no prerequisites.  If a technique study student is planning to continue to the next level, a binder review must be completed by the education director.

An additional benefit for OVGS members is the opportunity to apply for the Marian Parry Annual Education Scholarship, named in honour of a founding member of our guild.  The scholarships may be applied towards the cost of workshops, programme classes, and EAC correspondence courses or seminar attendance. 

Members Login

You must be a member of the Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery to access the Members Only section of this web site.

New members will be contacted by the Guild to set up an account.

Copyright © 2013 ~ Ottawa Valley Guild of Stitchery